Custom Development

  • Extend default Moodle functionality
  • Create new modules
  • Create new blocks
  • Create custom reporting functionality

Enhance your Moodle functionality by creating custom blocks and reports. 

As it comes, Moodle is an exceedingly modular platform. The hint is in its name: "Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment" (MOODLE).

The Moodle public repositories house numerous outstanding plugins that you can leverage to expand Moodle's built-in features.

If you wish to introduce a specific functionality into Moodle, it's likely that you'll find a suitable plugin in the Moodle plugin repository. However, what if you can't?

This is where custom development comes into play. Our team of developers can craft a tailor-made plugin to meet your precise needs within your Moodle environment.

Custom modifications and blocks are among the most commonly requested features for bespoke development.

We can assist you in creating new activities and resources for your Moodle courses, as well as Moodle blocks that can be added across your entire site or to specific Moodle courses.

To illustrate, we recently designed a Moodle block to facilitate course management for an educational institution within their VLE. This specific block was configured to appear on all of the institution's courses and offered a platform for course tutors to mark their courses as active and in use. The institution then utilized this data to identify inactive Moodle courses, allowing them to significantly reduce the number of courses on their platform.

In addition to enabling the marking of courses as active, the block also conducts its own data gathering on course-related metrics, such as the last enrollment date and the last time the course was accessed. This provides VLE administrators with valuable insights into the current status of their Moodle courses.

Supercharge your online learning platform with Overt.

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